How Small Business SEO Company Work

Published by June 19th, 2021

As an SEO agency, you must cater to all kinds of clients irrespective of their business type and size. Every business type has its pros and cons. However, in the current wherein SEO services are in demand, small companies are more on the lookout.

Wondering why???? Here are some key reasons why small businesses need SEO companies badly:

  1. Digital marketing is an easy and cost-effective marketing tool. For small businesses that have tight budgets for marketing can easily choose digital marketing over traditional marketing.
  2. Digital marketing allows small businesses to open to a wider audience increasing the probability of more visibility and more revenues.
  3. Lastly, digital marketing enables long-lasting brand visibility. Thus, resulting in building goodwill in the market.

However, with these benefits, no doubt being a small business SEO company is extremely profitable. However, as an SEO company, you need to know what small businesses expect of you. So, here is a glance at what will make you a preferred small business SEO company.

  • Website: The first service that you must offer is website designing, writing, and hosting. For a small business, the website is the official brand ambassador that acts as the first visual for any user/customer. When we speak of website it includes:
  • Website design: Depending on the nature of the business, the purpose, and goal of the digital marketing, as an SEO company you must guide the business on how the website should look in terms of design. What should be the landing pages, how many fields or pages it should have, and more. A well-designed website helps the customer believe in the brand and get connected.
  • Website content: Website content is very crucial. Therefore, it should be engaging, informative, crisp, and with the right mix of keywords. The basis of website content brings to the other interconnected element i.e. keyword research. As an SEO company, you must be adept at keyword research. These keywords that are formed based on the types of the business are infused in all the digital communication. Therefore, as an SEO agency, you must have a team of writers that will bring this blend of content.
  • On-page optimization: Once the website content and design are ready, it is the on-page optimization that you should focus on. Creating the right URL, with the needed Title tags and meta description that will help the business to rank in search engine. As an SEO company, you should also know what more add ons like pop-up windows offer scrolling, etc that the business should have to increase visitors. You must have the right SEO tools to attract and engage visitors to the client’s website.
  • Social media management: These days though businesses have accepted the importance of social media, they are yet to understand how and what exactly social media could do to their business. Therefore, as an SEO agency you must offer a simple, yet effective social media plan which focuses on organic reach and engagement. As an SEO agency, keeping it active with interesting and engaging content is your responsibility.
  • Link Building: With the website and social media in place, you can call it as the stage is set. The next is to perform. That’s where the link-building aspect takes lead. As an SEO agency, this can be called your weapon to make your client win the digital battle. As an SEO agency, you need to know how to create backlinks for your client so that you can pull traction to the client’s website and social media. Collaborating with guest bloggers, indulging in influencer marketing and more are some of the tools that you must be well versed with.
  • Reports and Analysis: For small businesses, SEO is not just another marketing platform, it is their platform that will help them gain that visibility and revenues. Therefore, as an SEO agency, you must be adept at tracking the performance of the strategy and timely update the client. This makes the client be assured of the success of the strategy, understand how to take it further and what more should be added or removed.

The above being the key SEO services that you must offer, now it’s time to know the process of offering these services so that it makes you the preferred one:

  1. Understand the client’s business and digital marketing goal. This includes what is the magnitude of digital marketing, the budgets that can be allocated and the timeline allotted.
  2. Create a plan for the client. Based on the client’s inputs and your experience, create the best possible plan with timelines. Explain the plan in detail to the client. Ensure the client is in sync and accepting of the same. If there is any cost involved, share in advance. Once the plan is frozen, create a checklist of what the client has to do as part of his contribution to the implementation of the plan. This includes business details, offers etc.
  3. Create a calendar for the deliverables and track the performance. Conduct a weekly review to track the performance. This is necessary to understand and detect things that are not working.
  4. Encourage the client to actively participate in this SEO journey because no one better would understand the business than the business owner.
  5. Keep your strategy engaging and evolving. This is necessary and in the process make the journey a learning process for your client.
  6. Keep your client informed even if he/she doesn’t understand the dynamics of SEO. This is essential because the client should not feel sidelined.

The above process is the key to keep your client interested and trusted. The above being the base framework, remember and be open to tweaking your process as per the client’s need. For clients who are not well versed with digital marketing, guide them and be patient. As a small business SEO company, you must remember that small businesses want SEO but they hardly know how and what of it. So, be responsible and be considerate with the client.