Why Link Building Services Are the Secret For The SEO

Published by August 25th, 2021

As a business owner seeking SEO services, you must have often heard link building services as part of SEO services.

So What Exactly Is The Link Building Activity All About:

It can be defined as a process of creating one-way hyperlinks from established websites that help your business gain organic visibility in the digital space. So, now that we know what is link building services, here is a close look at what makes link building services indispensable:


  1. Enhances website traffic: When we speak of an SEO strategy, the key platform or the key element to which all the SEO is focussed is the website. A website is a brand’s official identity in the digital space. Thus, the focus is to gain organic traffic to the website. That’s where link building comes to the rescue. With backlinks, you not only gain your brand visibility but also land up building trust in the audience.
  2. Improved search rankings: For any business and SEO agency, the success of the SEO strategy depends on the Google ranking. That’s where link building proves to be the best tool to win the Google rankings. Wondering how???? The Google Algorithm loves backlinks and the website that has good quality backlinks, the algorithm automatically pushes your website to the top ranks.
  3. Helps improve website health: The primary reason for link building undoubtedly remains to build traffic. However, with backlinks, your website not only gets a new set of content attracting readers but with guest blogging, you not only add to your market credibility but also pave the way to win the hearts of the existing audience of the bloggers.
  4. Better Site Metrics: For those who are serious about making their brand visible in the digital space, you would surely be familiar with the words, “Domain Rating and Domain Authority.: These are the tool that we need to take care.
  5. Increase in sales: These days, shopping widely happens on social media. From beauty products to baby products and more, it has everything. When you backlink, there is a possibility that it may help you land up to any social media platform, which in turn will help you make a stake. On the other hand, even if the backlinks don’t route to any social media platform but a website, it will route to your website
  6. Helps to build a relationship: Most of the link building happens when the guest blogger or social media influencer speaks about you for the barter of products and services. However, just like social life, virtual life also depends on the network. That’s where link building services come to your rescue. Link building helps you build that connection with bloggers who in turn the consider collaborating project basis.
  7. Earn money: With effective SEO and link building services, your website is all set to earn money. Wondering how??? Once your website starts getting traffic, you shall have brands coming in to feature them on your website.
  8. Reduces bounce rate: As per Google, it’s not just about attracting an audience but is also about retaining them for a longer time. With link building, you land up attracting more people and also make them spend more time. Thus, with link building, you not only better the inbound links but also enhance the internal links.


Thus, with the above-mentioned pointers, it is loud and clear that link building services are indispensable. Now, here are some pointers that you must remember while signing up with link building servicers’ pointer:


  1. First, check the list of guest bloggers the agency has. Ensure that the service provider has good guest bloggers who are capable enough to write about your product or service.
  2. Once you identify the guest blogger, it’s time to share your product or service with the blogger. This is necessary to ensure that the blogger has understood your product/service completely so that the blog content is genuine and honest. This is also necessary because it helps the business owner to ensure that no key element about the product/service is missing and to ensure that no irrelevant elements are added.
  3. The next step is to define the topic on which the guest blogger would write. Also define the length of the article, the right infusion of keywords and the context. Conduct thorough research to check what your competitors are talking about. Make a note and then based on your vision choose a topic that you feel will stand unique and yet give a chance to speak about your offering.
  4. Once the topic is decided make the guest blogger write a base version of the blog. Check whether the content looks nice, relevant, informative and engaging. Also, check the infusement of keywords. Ensure they don’t disturb the flow of the content. Ensure that the keywords are added in the right context and quantity. Ensure the links are activated right and are routing to the relevant page when clicked.
  5. Once the draft is ready and you feel is ready to go, let the guest blogger decide the publish date. This is because the blogger would have a pattern for release. However, post release of the blog, ensure that you don’t backlink posts on the same day. For example: if you have shared the blog today, then share the post link on LinkedIn, Insta and Facebook in different intervals spread across the week. This will ensure that the blog content is seen for a longer time.
  6. Check for yourself the working of the links and also share the blogs on your personal platforms. Engage the audience by making comments on the post, so that other audiences would also engage with the content.


With the above mentioned tips, you can yourself plan the link building activity. However, to ensure that you associate with the right bloggers is where link building services come into the picture. As most of these agencies. have writers in the house, you can be sure of the quality and detailing of the work. Thus, it makes your life easy.