The Power of Video Marketing: How to Engage Your Audience and Boost Conversions

Published by March 18th, 2023

Video Marketing

Have you heard the expression – “seeing is believing?” although one may argue about the power of illusion, the evolutionarily – hardwired fact of relying on visual cues isn’t getting canceled anytime soon. Video marketing is very effective, and established companies use it to boost sales.

Why should you choose video marketing? 

You shouldn’t think about video marketing just because everyone is doing it. Remember that the processes and implementation take time and money, and ensuring that the target audience is interested in videos is better.

With more than 2.8 billion people on the internet daily – the number of people watching videos is enormous. Therefore, one should consider the advantage of video marketing as per their businesses and the audience demographic they are trying to target.

Here are some reasons one should try video marketing as a marketing tool:

  • Internet users like video content irrespective of age

Every age group is increasingly watching video content. The 2020 statistics showed 244.4 million people in the US watching digital videos, more than the experts predicted.

Experts have countered that this increase in growth has been caused by only the youngest and oldest age groups – but the most recent reports have substantiated the involvement of young adults.

More than 90% of consumers in the US within 12-44 years access digital videos; 97.8% of internet users and digital video watchers are aged 18 to 24. 96.2% of people between 12 and 17 watch videos online.

In reality, only 63.8% of people in the age group 65 years and above view videos online. Therefore, it is evident that video content is favored across all ages.

  • The increasing need for video content 

The purpose of video content has long surpassed the need for entertainment – the brands are also using it abundantly. A whopping 91% of consumers require more online video content from brands. Industry influencers continuously produce diverse video content to meet this rising need.

The percentage of viewers demanding online videos from brands has increased over the past few years and reached its highest point. Even in 2018, 85% of people required more online video viewing.

People usually pay more attention to video content than audio and text content, which has more probability of getting skipped. It is better to exploit the prevalent tendency of the customers and use this advantage of video marketing to get more attention for your products or company.

  • The customer’s preference for social media videos

Social media has penetrated the world population immensely, becoming a viable platform for video marketing for various brands. Users are now bombarded with videos across social media platforms – including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and even blogs. It has become an indispensable part of online experiences.

However, you must decide on the video content according to the platform. As a brand owner, you must pay attention to the prevailing market trend – like users currently engage most with short-form videos.

According to verified sources, 66% of consumers pay 2.5 times more attention to short-form videos than long-term videos.

Incidentally, the criteria for short-form also change with the social media platform someone’s publishing on and the type of video. For example, you would get the most consumer engagement with 26-second videos on Instagram, whereas Facebook will require videos between two and five minutes long.

  • The increasing importance of video as a marketing tool

As the demand for video content is increasing, more and more companies are taking advantage of video marketing and including video content in their marketing strategies. Marketing professionals are increasingly using this tool – as evidenced by the current statistic of 86% of marketing gurus utilizing this mode of marketing tool.

Among them, 86% claim that the videos have increased traffic to their website, while 78% say that videos have increased sales figures.

  • More ROIs for video marketing

The justification for implementing a marketing strategy comes from its return on investment (ROI). Companies use video marketing for three principal purposes – increase their sales, keep their current customers informed by building brand awareness, and extend toward prospective customers.

The recent numbers also portray its efficacy: for example, a record number of video marketers (92%) state that video gives them a good ROI. The numbers from five years before have grown by 14 percentage points, substantiating the effect of appropriate video marketing efforts.

Incidentally, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the most preferred platform for video marketers to post-marketing videos.

The visual method of explanation is the most popular across all types of viewers for understanding something. Tutorials and explainers are mainly famous among end-users.

Likewise, all other marketing video types have their respective viewer bases, which the companies can use to their advantage.

  • Augmented lead generation

Every company expects the new viewers of their marketing efforts to become buying customers. Companies must infuse quality information about their brand or products, which prospective clients can pursue.

The verified video marketing statistical data says that 93% of marketers have gained new customers because of social media videos. Moreover, video marketers get 66% more qualified leads yearly, resulting in a 54% increase in brand awareness for different products.

The enriched lead quality is directly proportional to the value of education the prospective customers receive through the videos.

Interactive visuals in the video provide information about the business and its products, which can result in customer trust gain for the company.

Creating fruitful marketing strategies through video marketing

Expert marketers know that the advantages of video marketing will be practical only when implemented strategically. Creating a video is not opening your phone camera and starting shooting – because your customers will have to find it engaging, educational, and interactive.

Some of the ways one can create compelling video marketing strategies are explained below:

  1. Knowing the purpose

It is an essential aspect of creating a video for marketing purposes. As a brand owner, what do you hope to achieve? Are you looking to increase your sales, establish brand awareness, or increase the engagement of customers? If your goals are defined, then your videos will be focused and tailored to the prospective customers you want to reach.

  1. Capturing the audience’s pulse

There is no one-for-all-age video technique. The marketer must understand the target audience before creating any video content. They have to take in factors like age, interest, and pressure points – so that their videos become more than promotional video marketing and speak to their needs, desires, and preferences.

  1. Making appealing and high-quality videos

Your videos have to be high-quality and must appeal to your target audience. To achieve the best advantages of video marketingyou must consider everything – from the content, visual elements, audio quality, language and diction, and even local dialects, depending on the target audience.

It is not easy to achieve significant lead conversion with video promotion unless your creation resonates with the clients. Some of the factors you have to consider to make compelling videos are listed below:

  • Offer a clear, concise, and simple message about your product or services for your prospective clients.
  • The attention span of the current viewers is short, so you have to keep your video promotion brief to avail the advantage of video marketing. According to the experts, saving the time limit within 2-3 minutes and delivering the needed message without frills is the most optimum technique.
  • Emphasize showing your company’s achievements than telling them orally. Show your products visually appealingly, advertise favorable customer testimonials, and other factors that create the best impression of your company.


  1. Choosing the correct platform

Digital platforms have diverse audiences with differing tastes, preferences, or product requirements. Therefore, selecting the forum you are releasing your video is equally important. For instance, advertising your video on LinkedIn will be a good choice if your video has a professional tone.

However, if your product needs to penetrate the young and fashionable demographic, you may have to focus on platforms like TikTok. Extending your field of vision and catering to the right audiences is one of the most prevalent advantages of video marketing

  1. Promoting your video marketing effort extensively

People will surely share and spread your video if it catches the wavelength of your target demographic – however, it has to reach them first. One of the needed actions of video marketing is promoting your efforts, including embedding them on your website, sharing them

on social media, optimization in search engines by means of keywords, producing eloquent titles and portrayals, adding closed captioning, and attaching them with your email marketing campaigns.

In conclusion

Many businesses are inclined toward the advantages of video marketing techniques after trying email campaigns, social media advertisements, and other digital marketing techniques. To pursue this new and unique product marketing mode, you must equally utilize different types of video content.

It is better to take professional help to distinguish and adequately use video blogs, explainer videos, tutorials, product reviews, presentations, interviews, product demos, live streaming, testimonials, and other video types. Whatever the type you employ, the videos have to be emotionally engaging and worth remembering for the target audiences.